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Seminar on “International Commercial Arbitration and courts of arbitration in the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Nickolay Kharchenko, associate of Lex Analitik law firm, attended the Seminar on “International Commercial Arbitration and courts of arbitration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The legislation and its practical application” held by the Kazakhstani International Arbitrage (KIA) and the Private Law Research Centre of the Kazakh University for Humanities and Law on April 16, 2010.

The following leading civilian scientist, legal practitioners and arbitrators of KIA hosted the Seminar:

  • M.K. Suleymenov — Chairman of KIA, Director of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law; Professor;
  • V.M. Kim — Senior Consultant of Aequitas law firm;
  • A.E. Duisenova — CEO of the Kazakhstani International Arbitrage, Research fellow of the Private Law Research Centre of the Kazakh University for Humanities and Law, Master of Law;
  • A.A. Sandybayeva — Senior associate of «Sayat Zholshy & Partners» law firm, attorney;
  • S.A. Sarina — Master of Law.

The differences between International Commercial Arbitration and courts of arbitration, the issues relating to the enforcement of arbitral rewards, and the potential development of the operations of arbitration courts and International Commercial Arbitration were discussed during the Seminar.